You want to create an offshore company but you don’t know which country or destination to turn to? Perfect, in this article we are going to explain you quickly and simply how to choose the place where to start in the creation of offshore company!
The offshore company, a little reminder!
Before going further, a little reminder for those who do not know what an offshore company is. The offshore company is a type of commercial company that has the advantage of being offshore. This means that it does not have its headquarters in the country where, for example, you live, but abroad! The offshore jurisdiction is usually a place like Panama or Curacao (but there are many others) that offer more favorable conditions than the “onshore” countries.
What are the most advantageous destinations?
Now that we have the basics, let’s see together which countries offer the most advantages to create an offshore company to find success abroad. We have mentioned the most famous ones above, but there is not necessarily a need to go far away! We can quote close to France, England, Ireland or Luxembourg. These three destinations are among the favorites of the French because of their proximity and tax advantages. But you can also go further away, especially in Asia! One of the most popular offshore destinations in Asia is Hong Kong, where you can find many offshore companies. Just like Dubai in the United Arab Emirates. The choice is actually quite large, and you will have to focus your search for the ideal country for your offshore company according to several criteria.
How to choose the right country for your offshore company?
Now that we know a little where to turn, let’s see together how to choose the right country for the creation of your offshore company! Below, a list of criteria to check and take into account when making your choice.
- The offshore country must be a tax haven, so that it is not subject to the same taxation as onshore countries.
- You must be able to benefit from a maximum of advantages and a minimum of disadvantages.
- It must have a minimum of formalities and procedures for its creation.
- There are different possibilities: you can create an offshore company in any offshore jurisdiction but some jurisdictions allow it more easily than others!
- If possible a country in which you do not necessarily need to be on site for the creation as well as the management.
Also, a country whose native language is within your reach. The offshore company, an effective solution to avoid paying too much tax!
In short, the conclusion!
Now that you know how to choose the right destination to create offshore companies, it is time to make your choice. The possibilities are numerous and only you can know if such or such country is advantageous for you or if it is not. Note that this depends on several criteria both specific to the company and to yourself! If you still have questions, please do not hesitate to contact us. We will be happy to help you choose the ideal place for your offshore company!